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Updated: May 17, 2024



February 13, 2024

Palisades Tahoe Lodge, 201 Shirley Canyon Road, Olympic Valley


1.  Call to Order

Chair Mike Martin called today’s meeting to order at 9:04 AM. A quorum was established

Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum

Board members present

Mike Martin

Rick Pendleton

Lindsay Romack

Keith Fountain

David Stepner

Pat Fraser

Jacob Estrada

Danielle Poret


Board members not in attendance

Peter Grant

Others attending

Joy Doyle, Executive Director

Edward Randolph

Sara Van Siclen, TNT TMA

Brian Hitchcock, Commute with Enterprise


2.  Adopt Agenda

It was moved by Martin and seconded by Poret to adopt today’s agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

3.  Approval of November 8, 2023 Quarterly Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Martin and seconded by Poret to approve the minutes of the November 8, 2023 Quarterly Meeting as presented. Motion carried with Romack abstaining.

4.  Public Comment

Edward Randolph, an Alpine Meadows resident present at the meeting, was asked if he had any public comment and he declined. There were no comments on items not on today’s agenda.


5.  Board Member and Advisor Comments

Estrada asked if it is possible to know who is using the service because Everline is getting trespassers arriving by Mountaineer and using his amenities who are not resort guests. Doyle said Gleason of Downtowner can provide the name of who requested the ride.

Romack announced the Placer County Board of Supervisors will be meeting in Tahoe on February 26 and 27. She noted some of the agenda items.


Stepner announced the joint Olympic Valley MAC and North Tahoe RAC meeting on February 15 to hear a presentation on the final EIR for the SNOW Museum. There has not been a resolution regarding the USFS deed restriction on the uses in Olympic Valley Park, but the County will continue to follow up.


6.     Chairman’s Report

Martin noted Nevada County Supervisor Bullock and Placer County Supervisor Gustafson regularly convene a joint CCC meeting to consider items of mutual interest. The group is meeting tomorrow and transit is on the agenda. Martin will present an update on the paid parking program.


Martin reported that two out of three days (Sunday & Monday) of this MLK weekend was the busiest in the past four years. He reviewed ridership data for Park & Ride from both Tahoe City and Truckee – up significantly with 536 rides provided. He anticipates upcoming World Cup, Ski Skate Week, and President’s Holiday will be busy.

a.     Palisades Tahoe paid parking reservation system update

In general, people would rather have the freedom to come and go instead of making reservations, however knowing they have a parking spot outweighs that. A brief discussion followed regarding reported challenges making reservations and how the technology is working. There seem to be more comments about leaving the valley than coming in to go skiing. Unfortunately, due to weather timing Olympic Valley Road could not be 3-laned; 3-lanes will return (weather/conditions permitting) for the upcoming holiday and World Cup period. No Code Zebra (turnaround at Hwy 89 Olympic Valley Road when at parking capacity) have been issued so far this winter. Discussion continued about the successes of the new system.


b.     World Cup update

Martin described how the parking reservation system and Mountaineer will operate during upcoming World Cup weekend.


7.     Treasurer’s Report

a.     Approve December 2023 Financial Statements

Pendleton presented the financial reports as of December 31, 2023. For the first three months of the fiscal year, both collections and expenses were higher than budgeted.


It was moved by Pendleton and seconded by Romack to approve the financial statements as presented. Motion carried unanimously.


b.     Rev Expense Summary / Cash Flow & Revenue Projections

Pendleton reviewed the Rev Expense Summary, noting the revenue assumptions made as it was compiled. It is a dynamic report that can be changed as needed during the year. It provides a snapshot of where the organization is financially at any given time in the fiscal year. Currently it is showing a projected loss of ~$183K compared to ~$30K budgeted net surplus, primarily due to slow start to the winter season. The Finance Committee makes report adjustments based on actuals and reforecasts as necessary.


c.     Laddered CD update

Pendleton reported a $200,000 CD was purchased in January and it is earning about 4.7% interest.


d.     Third Party Financial Review update

Doyle reported that although it is not required, several firms have been contacted and declined the opportunity. McClintock Accountancy (MAC) auditing department was recently asked to conduct a financial review and they will let us know whether or not they are interested and available to do it. The Board will be updated on the status at the next quarterly meeting.


e.     SOP change - ED releasing invoice payments

Doyle said that she is now releasing invoice payments at MAC’s request, rather than MAC being responsible. Doyle explained the revised standard operating procedure and Pendleton added that payments are still being approved by him before they are released.


8.     Executive Director’s Report

a.     Unbudgeted Expenses since November 8 Board meeting

Doyle reported there have not been any unbudgeted expenses since the last Board meeting.


b.     Delinquency Report

Doyle said that as of December, the delinquency amount has decreased by 39% since the last Board meeting and 23% fewer businesses are delinquent. Placer County Revenue Services has been working with overly delinquent assessed businesses to bring those numbers down.


There are three preliminary findings being addressed as a result of a Placer County Revenue Services internal audit that MTC and NTCA are working to resolve with Civitas and Revenue Services.


c.     January Ridership Reports, YOY Stats and Executive Summary

Doyle presented the January 2024 Ridership Report Executive Summary which included passenger and ride counts, average wait times, stats on the new this winter Alpine Meadows Thursday service and stats on the night service passengers between Alpine and Olympic Valley. The numbers are strong, particularly given the lack of snow in January as compared to a lot of snow and much more open ski terrain in the same period the prior year. A new stat, “lookups over 25 minutes that didn’t request” (basically cancellations) is included and will be included in the future. The Board appreciates receiving the Executive Summary, however, they still want to see the detailed ridership reports and YOY spreadsheet. Three requests were made by the Board: (1) in the future, request that Downtowner compare Thursdays Alpine Meadows ridership to Mondays and Fridays Alpine Meadows ridership, (2) request that Downtowner provide Peak Period Wait Times in addition to average wait times, and (3) ask Downtowner if it is possible for the app to send notification on significant ride arrival estimate changes. Doyle will follow-up on all of these with Downtowner.


d.     QR Code Tracking Report

Doyle reported use of the QR Code as of the end of December is tracking similar to last year with almost 1200 scans. She noted that there a quite a few more QR Codes on marketing pieces this year compared to last year and that Rack Cards and Business Cards QR codes are being scanned a lot.


9.     Operations Items

a.     Operational Adjustments for cost savings due to lack of new snow in January

Given the lack of snow in January, Doyle noted operational adjustments resulting in cost savings were made due to the slow start to the winter season and less than budgeted assessment collections received for November and anticipated for December, and Q1 expenses came in unfavorable to budget.  


b.     April 8-12 Operating Schedule Recommendation

At the November 8, 2023 Board meeting, the Board approved extending Mountaineer service April 13-20 in Olympic Valley during Mountain Travel Symposium (MTS) April 14-20. Doyle explained that according to Downtowner, the Board needs to decide today if it will provide Mountaineer service April 8-12 (the five-day midweek period between when service is scheduled to end and MTS starts). Additionally, the Board needs to decide today if Mountaineer’s operating schedule should be extended beyond April 20. Discussion followed and Doyle shared three operating schedule options provided by Downtowner previously ranging from $10,427 to $12,295. There seemed to be consensus that service should be offered April 8-12 instead of going dark for that period of time.


Stepner felt that since business is slower in April, Easter and Daylight Savings time change are early this year, there likely won’t be demand for the service April 8-12 and it is not worth spending the extra money especially in light of the slow start to the winter. Discussion continued.


It was moved by Martin and seconded by Stepner to extend service in Olympic Valley

April 8 -12 to bridge the gap between WinterWonderGrass and Mountain Travel Symposium. The Operations and Finance Committees will determine the best of the three schedule options as previously quoted by Downtowner before March 1. Motion carried unanimously.

10.  Discuss Extending Operating Schedule beyond April 20

There was Board consensus not to offer Mountaineer service beyond April 20, 2024.


11.  Workforce Vanpool Program Update & Regional Commuter Plan RFP

Sara Van Siclen, Executive Director of the Truckee North Tahoe Transportation Management Association (TNT TMA), provided an update on the Workforce Vanpool Program, which is being done in conjunction with Commute with Enterprise. The funds granted from the NTCA are being administered by TNT TMA with assistance from MTC.


Van Siclen and Hitchcock reviewed the employers already using the program including Palisades Tahoe, Granite Peak Management and Everline Resort & Spa, said that the February invoices will   include subsidies, and continued outreach to grow the program.


Van Siclen said that a condition of the NTCA grant was to conduct a commuter’s needs study.  An RFP draft included in today’s meeting packet will soon be released for a consultant to do that. In addition, a special event is being planned to demonstrate the success of the program to the community and to get additional participants. A conversation followed as details of the program were clarified and suggestions made to expand it.


12.  Discuss Considering Third Party Off-Season Usage of Fleet

This item was tabled.


13.  Next Quarterly Board Meeting - Tuesday, May 14, 2024 at 9 a.m.

14.  There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:50 AM.

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