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Available on Android Google Play Store

Set your Pickup Location
Anywhere within Olympic Valley
Anywhere within Alpine Meadows
Get Dropped Off at your Desired Location
Anywhere within Olympic Valley
Anywhere within Alpine Meadows
Between the two valleys during the evening
Ride Request Wait Time & Pick Up Expectations
From the time you request a ride to the time the van arrives at your pickup location, you can typically expect to be picked up in less than 15 minutes. However, 30-minute or longer wait times are possible from 8am - 10am and 3pm - 6pm, especially on weekends, during holiday periods, and on powder days.
After requesting a ride, in the app you will be able to track your wait time and see your driver once they are on their way to your pickup location.
Please have your party ready to be picked up curbside when the driver is scheduled to arrive at your pickup location.
Palisades Tahoe Drop Off & Pick Up Locations for Mountaineer
Mountaineer drops off and picks up across from CoffeeBar in the Village at Palisades Tahoe and from the Alpine Meadows breezeway.