Achievements since December 2018 inception
69,265 Cars off the Road
Mountaineer has taken nearly 70,000 cars off the road.
This was accomplished in 638 operating days / 21.3 operating months.
That's 3,257 cars off the road per month during our operating season.
118,406 VMT Reduction
Mountaineer has reduced vehicle miles traveled (VMT) by 118,406 miles.
That's 5,406 miles per month during our operating season - roughly the number of round trip miles between Lake Tahoe and New York City!
401,431 Passengers
Mountaineer has transported more than 400,000 passengers in 638 operating days.
On average since inception, Mountaineer serves 640 passengers daily.
194,313 Rides
Mountaineer has provided nearly 200,000 rides in 638 operating days.
57% of Mountaineer rides are shared by more than one passenger.
8-14 Minute Average Ride Request Wait Time
8 minutes during off-peak days of the week and hours of the day.
14 minutes during peak-season days of the week and hours of the day.
Other Achievements
Pioneered and was the first to provide microtransit in the Lake Tahoe / Truckee region commencing December 1, 2018.
First to utilize a Tourism Business Improvement District to fund transportation.
First in the Lake Tahoe region to form a Tourism Business Improvement District.