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November 8, 2023

Palisades Tahoe Lodge, 201 Shirley Canyon Road, Olympic Valley

and 1990 Aloha Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150

DRAFT pending Board approval

1. Call to Order

Chair Mike Martin called today’s meeting to order at 9:05 AM. A quorum was established

Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum

Board members present

Mike Martin

Rick Pendleton

Lindsay Romack

Keith Fountain

David Stepner

Pat Fraser

Danielle Poret

Peter Grant

Board members not in attendance

Jacob Estrada

Others attending

Joy Doyle, Executive Director

Judy Friedman (Recording Secretary)

Bart Peterson, Travel North Tahoe Nevada

Marlena Freitas, Palisades Tahoe Sales

Julia Tohlen, Interim TNT TMA Executive Director

Travis Gleason, Downtowner

2. Adopt Agenda

It was moved by Romack and seconded by Fountain to adopt today’s agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

3. Approval of September 27, 2023 Annual Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Fountain and seconded by Stepner to approve the minutes of the September 27, 2023 Annual Meeting as presented. Motion carried with Romack abstaining.

4. Public Comment

There were no comments on items not on today’s agenda.

5. Board Member and Advisor Comments

There were no additional comments.

6. Mountain Travel Symposium (MTS)

  1. Presentation by Bart Peterson of Travel North Tahoe Nevada

  2. Consider covering the cost to extend Mountaineer’s winter 23-24 season from April 7 by 13 days, through MTS April 13-20

Peterson described the MTS, saying over 800 mountain travel marketing professionals from over 35 countries attend. This will be the first time in several years Palisades Tahoe has hosted the event. He discussed the economic impact to the hosting area.

MTC is being asked to provide Mountaineer service for MTS April 13-20, 2024 in exchange for sponsorship benefits. The cost for this and three options for MTC to consider extending Mountaineer service April 8-12, the five days between when Mountaineer’s operating schedule is due to end and when MTS begins, was included in the meeting packet. Questions were asked and answered, and a lengthy discussion followed.

It was moved by Fraser and seconded by Fountain to allocate up to $21,209 to provide Mountaineer service for MTS 2024 based on the recommended operating schedule and April 8-12, 2024 with the operating schedule during the gap period to be determined at the February 13, 2024 MTC Board meeting. Motion carried unanimously.

7. Chairman’s Report

a. Palisades Tahoe paid parking reservation update

Martin reported details of the paid parking reservation system have been released and received fairly well. He described some of the features, including when reservations will be taken for the following week and nuances over holidays. More information and the opportunity to create an account is available at

Discussion followed as details were clarified. In response to a question, Martin and Romack described the cooperation with Placer County on signage and enforcement of the recently updated parking ordinance.

b. Cell Service Improvements Update

Martin said as of November 5, 2023, Liberty Utilities completed the replacement and restoration of the main power line in Alpine Meadows and as a result to poor cell service that impacted the Mountaineer app to function properly should not be an issue for winter 2023-24 and beyond. Additionally, Martin reported that cell service providers are planning to update their infrastructure in the coming year, which will further improve cell service within the MTC boundary.

8. Treasurer’s Report

a. Approve September 2023 Financial Statements

Pendleton presented the financial statements as of September 30, 2023. He reviewed specific line items and variances. As of the end of September, the organization is approximately $300,000 better than budget going into the winter season.

It was moved by Martin and seconded by Fraser to approve the financial reports as of September 30, 2023. Motion carried unanimously.

b. Year 6 Rev Expense Summary / Cash Flow & Revenue Projections

The Summary and Projections were in today’s meeting packet and Pendleton didn’t have anything out of the ordinary to report.

c. Financial Institution Diversification

Pendleton explained the Finance Committee’s recommendation to diversify and protect MTC’s funds by moving some into interest baring, laddered CD accounts under the FDIC limit of $250,000 per account.

It was moved by Pendleton and seconded by Poret to allow the Finance Committee to consider and implement appropriate diversification measures to ensure MTC funds are within the FDIC limit of $250,000. Motion carried unanimously.

d. Third Party Financial Review

At the direction of the Finance Committee, Doyle is getting proposals to conduct a financial review. Though not required, it is good practice to do so. The Finance Committee will present the options and a recommendation at a future meeting.

9. Executive Director’s Report

Doyle said there have been no unbudgeted expenses since the last Board meeting. She reviewed the delinquencies. The dollar amount is up a bit from July, but the number of delinquent accounts is down. One business accounts for 43% of the delinquencies.

December 1, 2023 will be the fifth anniversary of microtransit in Olympic Valley and Alpine Meadows, which has created a ripple effect in the area. At Doyle’s suggestion, Downtowner is working on creating and distributing a press release and Doyle is assisting as needed with the effort.

a. Partner Program Update

Everline has decided to operate its own service this winter.

The partnership with OVI will be a bit different this year, with a lower dollar amount. Grant suggested negotiations with OVI start earlier since they are on a July 1 – June 30 fiscal year and requested working with him directly as he is now on the OVI Board of Directors.

Grant left the call at this point, 10:28 AM.

b. Winter 23-24 Operations

Doyle reported the new vehicles with low-profile roofs have been acquired and are getting outfitted with 4WD. The fleet is due arrive the first week of December. Doyle will work with Chris Murray, the new Tahoe Operations Manager to get the vans branded and is working with him on staffing and logistics. Griffin Towers was promoted, is still in the area, and will act as a resource as needed.

Doyle said the marketing pieces are being delivered soon. Everything will include a unique trackable QR code. Based on results, rack and/or business cards may not be produced for winter 2024-25.

Downtowner’s insurance carrier has discontinued all commercial auto policies within Downtowner’s classification. Downtowner’s insurance is due to renew on November 14. A quote is due by November 9 end of day from Downtowner’s main carrier, who also insures Uber and Lyft.

Doyle and Gleason have discussed the options if the new Palisades Tahoe parking system creates more demand for Mountaineer. There is a potential to utilize the two idle vans in March and April as long as a decision is made by February 1. Adjusting algorithm dials on the dates parking reservations are required was also explained by Gleason to increase the number of riders per van at the expense of increasing wait times. Gleason cautioned the importance of rider experience.

Gleason said the situation will be watched. If adjustments are needed, he will include recommendations in the December ridership report.

10. Workforce Vanpool Program Update & Tracking

Doyle noted the background document on the Vanpool program in today’s meeting packet. She and Julia Tohlen will be meeting with NTCA soon to address some questions, confirm the next steps, and clarify roles. Tohlen has reviewed the new NTCA web-based program “Submittable” which track contracts deliverables and reporting. There was a brief conversation about the terms of the NTCA contract and strategies to reach out to employers to participate. The goal is for the program to begin December 1, 2023.

11. Next Quarterly Board Meeting - Tuesday, February 13, 2024 at 9 a.m.

12. Adjourn

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 11:04 AM.

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