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Updated: Feb 6




Wednesday, September 25, 2024, 9:00 a.m.

In Person at Palisades Tahoe Lodge, 201 Shirley Canyon Road, Olympic Valley

Additional location: 1818 L Street unit 603, Sacramento, CA 


DRAFT Minutes pending Board approval


1.            Call to Order, Roll Call and Establish Quorum

Chair Mike Martin called today’s meeting to order at 9:04 AM. A quorum was established

Board members present

Mike Martin

Pat Fraser

David Stepner

Danielle Poret

Keith Fountain

Stephanie Holloway

Jacob Estrada (via Zoom, but because his location was not posted, his presence did not count for quorum nor could he vote)

Rick Pendleton joined the meeting at 9:11 AM  (via Zoom, but because his location was not posted, his presence did not count for quorum nor could he vote)


Board members not in attendance



Others attending

Joy Doyle, Executive Director

Edward Randolph

2.            Adopt Agenda

It was moved by Poret and seconded by Holloway to adopt today’s agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

3.            Approve August 13, 2024 Quarterly Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Poret and seconded by Fraser to approve the August meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

4.            Public Comment

There were no comments on items not on today’s agenda.


5.            Board Member Comments

Poret and Martin reported on the recent Alpine Meadows Valley-Wide meeting. Mountaineer and the expanded service planned for Alpine Meadows was well received .A brief conversation followed regarding the need to make the connection that most of the dollars supporting Mountaineer come from Olympic Valley.


Martin noted an article in the September issue of Ski Area Management titled “Crowd Control” about how ski areas are addressing parking and traffic congestion. Palisades Tahoe was specifically called out.



6.            Board of Director Items - Martin  

a.            Seats/Terms for FY 24-25

i. Elect David Stepner & Jacob Estrada to serve 2-year terms beginning Oct 1, 2024

It was moved by Martin and seconded by Fountain to elect Stepner and Estrada to two-year Board terms beginning October 1, 2024. Motion carried unanimously.

ii. Mike Martin & Pat Fraser designated by Palisades Tahoe to serve 2-year terms beginning Oct 1, 2024

Palisades Tahoe has appointed Martin and Fraser to serve in its designated Board seats for two-year terms beginning October 1, 2024.

iii. Stephanie Holloway designated by Placer County to serve 2-year term beginning Oct 1, 2024

Placer County has appointed Stephanie Holloway to serve in its designated Board seat for a two-year term beginning October 1, 2024.

ix. Olympic Valley HOA at-large seat vacancy

After an extensive meeting with Ginger Karl, the new Olympic Village Inn General Manager who is interested in the Olympic Valley HOA seat vacancy, Martin and Fountain recommend she be appointed for a two-year term. A conversation followed.

It was moved by Fraser and seconded by Martin to appoint Ginger Karl to the Olympic Valley HOA At-Large seat for a two-year term beginning October 1, 2024. Motion carried unanimously.

b.            Elect FY 24-25 Slate of Officers

It was moved by Martin and seconded by Poret to appoint the following slate of Board officers for FY 2024/25: Martin as Chair; Fountain as Vice-Chair; Pendleton as Treasurer; and Stepner as Secretary. Motion carried unanimously.

Doyle is excited to work with this Board in the coming year. Martin noted the Executive Director Agreement has been finalized.

7.            Financial Items - Pendleton

a.            Approve July 2024 and August 2024 Financial Reports

Pendleton presented the financial reports, noting account balances and variances for each month.

It was moved by Poret and seconded by Martin to approve the financial reports for July 2024 and August 2024. Motion carried unanimously.

b.            FY 2023-24 Year End Financial Projections according to Rev Expense Summary

Pendleton reviewed the revenue/expense summary for FY 2023/24. Because of increased revenues and reduced expenses, he anticipates ending the year approximately $377,000 better than budget. Given the investments made, the Operating Account is now within the FDIC limits.

8.            Housekeeping Items - Doyle

a.            Proposed New Records Policy including background

Doyle provide history and context on a new Records Policy in the meeting packet for the Board’s consideration. She noted that it could be somewhat time consuming to adhere to; the Board encouraged Doyle to report back if this is the case.

It was moved by Martin and seconded by Poret to approve the new Records Policy as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

b.            Conflict of Interest Policy & Annual Board Member Statements

Doyle has received the documents submitted by all Board members.

c.            Upcoming Meetings

i. Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 9 a.m., Palisades Tahoe Lodge

ii. 2025 Quarterly & Annual Board Meeting Date recommendations

The Board agreed to the meeting dates proposed in the Board packet: February 13, June 12, September 11 and November 13. It was noted that the Q4 and Annual meeting will be combined for 2025.

9.            Adjourn

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:01 AM.

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