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Updated: May 9, 2023



Wednesday, November 9, 2022

DRAFT Minutes pending Board approval

1. Call to Order

Chair Mike Martin called today’s meeting to order at 8:20 AM. A quorum was established

2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum

Board members in attendance

Mike Martin

Keith Fountain

David Stepner

Rick Pendleton

Lindsay Romack

Bob Tetrault

Pat Fraser

Board members not in attendance

Peter Grant

Sebastian Gurevich

Others attending

Joy Doyle

Judy Friedman (Recording Secretary)

3. Changes to / adopt Agenda

It was moved by Martin and seconded by Stepner to adopt today’s agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Approve September 28, 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Fountain and seconded by Pendleton to approve the minutes of the September 28, 2022 annual meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Public Comment

Friedman announced the Capital Projects Advisory (CAP) Committee is meeting today to consider TOT grant requests. The North Tahoe Regional Advisory Council (NTRAC) meets tonight for a workshop on recommended revisions to the Tahoe Basin Area Plan.

6. Board Member and Adviser Comments

Fountain asked about opening of the Base-to-Base Gondola. Martin said a multi-department team is planning festivities around the grand opening, which may be December 17, 2022. He will let this group know of the plans.

Martin reported on snow totals from the recent storms. Palisades Tahoe is currently scheduled to open on November 22, 2022.

7. Treasurer’s Report

a. Q4 (Jul-Sep) Financial Reports

Pendleton presented the Q4 financial reports, saying the year-end was better than anticipated. He reviewed the bank balances as of September 30, 2022 and clarified specific line items for the fiscal year.

It was moved by Pendleton and seconded by Martin to acknowledge the Board has reviewed the Q4 financial statements. Motion carried unanimously.

b. Rev Expense Summary / Cash Flow & Revenue Projections

Pendleton reported the organization is now in its fifth Fiscal Year. The October books have not been reconciled yet, but collections appear to be about 65% higher than budgeted. Revenues are approximately $20,000 above budget. Expenses have not been confirmed.

8. Executive Director’s Report

a. Unbudgeted Expenses since August 10 Board meeting

Doyle presented the Unbudgeted Expenses Report included in the meeting packets. She noted that this was because of timing issues.

b. Delinquency Report for September and Historical Delinquency Report by Month

The Delinquency Reports were in today’s meeting packets. Of the 56 delinquent assessed businesses, 13 are past due at least $300.Compared with the report shared at the August 10 board meeting, there are five fewer delinquent accounts, but the dollar amount increased by $900.

Placer County Revenue Services has told Doyle the County has suspended the Short-Term Rental permit of the longest and largest delinquency and lien procedures have begun. The next three significant delinquencies have received warning letters.

In response to a question, Pendleton said there is no provision to write off uncollected debt, but he will have to clarify it. Doyle noted this is the first time Revenue Services has gone through the lien and suspension of STR permit process as well, so they are on a learning curve and its time-consuming.

c. Operations Update

Doyle reported the Resort at Squaw Creek will operate transit service between December 7 and April 7. Mountaineer will operate December 9 to April 9, and Olympic Village Inn service is scheduled from December 15 to March 31.

Palisades Tahoe has asked for Mountaineer assistance in the event of a mechanical or weather-related emergency on the Base-to-Base Gondola. There was a report in today’s packet of a meeting Doyle had with Mike Martin, Pat Fraser, and Travis from Downtowner regarding the issue. Martin explained Fraser has done a lot of scenario modeling considering various crises and contingencies. The Base-to-Base Gondola Emergency Assistance Protocol offers several ways to get guests back to either origination valley. Using the Mountaineer vans could be one component with the understanding the basic service will not be sacrificed to do so.

The Mountaineer Health and Safety Protocol for the 2022/23 Winter Season was reviewed. Stepner assumed most of this was written with the Covid protocols in mind, but it could be a very significant flu season, too, so the document could refer to flu and Covid symptoms. Discussion followed and consensus was to include COVID / flu symptoms. It was agreed to change the language about windows to, “windows can be cracked or rolled down upon rider request.”

d. Marketing Update & Request for Assistance

Doyle is updating all collateral, including the rack and business cards. A saturation mailing to every Olympic Valley post office box and Alpine Meadows cluster boxes will be done the first week of December to include a rack card and a 3” x 4” refrigerator magnet as per Martin’s suggestion. Collateral and magnets will be distributed by Doyle late November/first week of December to Palisades Tahoe for distribution internally, lodging, retail, restaurants, etc. and all Olympic Valley and Alpine Meadows lodging facilities and property management companies and other high-traffic locations such as retail and restaurants. Doyle informed of half- page ads that will run in all three winter Palisades Press issues. A QR Code will help track responses from the Palisades Press ads, fridge magnets and van magnets, but not from the rack or business cards.

Doyle continues to work with the Palisades Tahoe marketing team. Palisades Tahoe is doing the graphics work. Although MTC is paying for the printing, which Palisades Tahoe has paid for in the past, the projects are still several thousands of dollars under budget. In the future, MTC will outsource collateral graphic design services.

Doyle was asked about marketing on the Mountaineer vehicles. Magnets were too small last year and they were not put on as soon as she would have liked; she has asked that the magnetic signs be as large as possible and be installed before December 9. Doyle has asked to see a proof of the artwork before Thanksgiving. A brief discussion followed and it was suggested that Doyle have them made so they are done to the proper specifications. Fountain and Martin offered help if it is needed.

e. District Renewal Update & Timeline

Doyle reported the Placer County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the TBID renewal. She thanked Stephany Holloway and Lindsay Romack for their generous comments and noted the many letters in support of renewal.

The next step is the Public Hearing scheduled for December 6. At that meeting, the Supervisors can vote to adopt the Resolution of Formation. Doyle and Kelly from Civitas will attend the meeting virtually.

Martin and Romack both commended Doyle for the work she has done to get the TBID renewed. Discussion followed describing feedback received from four assessed businesses from the notice that was sent in October. As a result, it was agreed to send a mailing to assessed businesses with clear and simple information explaining the assessment change and when it goes into effect.

f. Doyle elected to TMA Board

Doyle announced she has been elected to the Truckee North Tahoe Transportation Management Association (TNT TMA) Board of Directors.

9. Chairman’s Report

a. Base to Base Gondola / Red Dog Construction Update

Martin reported Mother Nature is giving Palisades Tahoe a great start. He is getting a lot of inquiries about the Gondola and Red Dog lift. Martin described the work done and grand opening for the Gondola.

For more information on construction and operations, Martin suggested people be directed to and

Travis has suggested to Doyle that even though our contract allows for service changes, Mountaineer should remain consistent with its published operating schedule unless something major arises.

10. Upcoming Meetings

a. Placer County Board of Supervisors Public Hearing - Tuesday, November 8, 9 a.m.

b. Placer County Board of Supervisors Public Hearing & Adopt Resolution of

Formation - Tuesday, December 6, 9 a.m.

c. MTC Quarterly Board Meeting - Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 8:15 a.m. via Zoom

11. Adjourn

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:33 AM.

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