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Squaw Alpine Transit Company

Quarterly Meeting Minutes

November 10, 2021

Via Zoom Video Conference

DRAFT pending Board approval

1. Call to Order

Chair Keith Fountain called today’s meeting to order at 9:06 AM. A quorum was established.

2. Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum

Board members in attendance

Keith Fountain

David Stepner

Kyle Crezee

Mike Martin

Rick Pendleton

Lindsay Romack

Evan Benjaminson (Advisor)

Board members not in attendance

Bob Tetrault

Drew Conly

Peter Grant

Others attending

Joy Doyle

Judy Friedman (Recording Secretary)

3. Board Findings regarding AB 361

The Board shall discuss direction regarding AB 361 regarding teleconferenced meetings and approach to future meetings and make findings that (A) there continues to be a direct impact on the ability to safely meet in person; or (B) state or local officials are actively imposing or recommending social distancing measures. The intent of the law is that the organization is making the required finding before proceeding with the teleconference.

It was moved by Fountain and seconded by Crezee to acknowledge California AB 361. SATCo will continue to meet electronically in compliance with the Brown Act. Motion carried unanimously.

4. Changes to / adopt Agenda [action]

It was moved by Fountain and seconded by Crezee to adopt today’s agenda as presented and to agree that items may be taken out of order. Motion carried unanimously.

5. Approval of September 29 Annual Meeting Minutes

It was moved by Romack and seconded by Pendleton to approve the minutes of the September 29, 2021 annual Board meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

6. Public Comment

There were no comments on items not on today’s agenda.

7. Board Member and Adviser Comments

There were no additional comments.

8. Executive Director’s Report

a. New DBA Idea

Doyle suggested SATCo adopt a “doing business as” (dba) of Mountaineer Transit Company. A brief discussion followed about the pros and cons, given other changes being considered in the valley and the recognizable branding of “Mountaineer.” There was agreement that Doyle will secure the domain name and continue to investigate the process to adopt a new dba or possibly a full name change.

b. Winter 2021-22 Transit Operations Health & Safety Protocols

Doyle presented the document recommended by Downtowner. It is consistent with County protocols, although Downtowner does not require a Driver Health Form to be completed prior to each shift. Discussion followed and there was consensus to remove that restriction from the Downtowner protocol.

c. Marketing Update including Website review request

Doyle noted the error in a recent press release about the app to be used to book rides between Tahoe City and Olympic Valley has been corrected on the website as thoserides should be booked through TART Connect app. Doyle showed the image and verbiage being used for those booking those trips.

Doyle has made several updates to the website. She asked everyone to take a look at it and let her know of suggested corrections or changes. Doyle asked Board members to take photos, particularly to include Mountaineer branding, snowy conditions, and the new Palisades Tahoe branding, that can be used for marketing purposes.

d. Delinquency Report for September and Delinquency History by Month

Doyle presented the delinquency report as of September. There are 51 delinquent businesses and eleven of those owe more than $300 each. One account owes over $4500 and has been delinquent for over one year. She is working with the County on strategies to collect the funds, which may include the Board of Supervisors approving a real property lien on the large delinquency account.

Doyle presented a delinquency by month report. Overdue assessments are up an average of $3000 over this time last year. County Revenue Services said TOT collections are also overdue. Doyle reviewed the delinquency questions raised at the August Board meeting and County Revenue Services responses received. County Revenue Services agreed to provide quarterly reports to SATCo if delinquencies are not reduced in any given quarter.

e. 2022 Quarterly and Annual Meeting Dates

The Board agreed to meet as follows:

Wednesday February 9, 2022 at 8:15 AM

Wednesday May 25, 2022 at 8:15 AM

Wednesday August 10, 2022 at 8:15 AM

Wednesday September 28, 2022 at 8:15 AM (Annual Meeting)

Wednesday November 9, 2022 at 8:25 AM at 8:15 AM

Discussion followed about video conference versus hybrid meetings, and it was agreed that video conference meetings will continue until further notice. Doyle will investigate options for hybrid meetings for later in the year.

9. Treasurer’s Report

a. FY 2020-21 Year End Financial Reports

b. Rev Expense Summary / Cash Flow & Revenue Projections

Pendleton presented the financial reports included in today’s meeting packet.

It was moved by Pendleton and seconded by Fountain to acknowledge the Board has reviewed the FY 2020-21 year-end financial reports. Motion carried unanimously.

c. Authorize Executive Director to execute Palisades Tahoe Loan Agreement

The loan agreement with Palisades Tahoe is updated annually. Doyle presented the current version. It allows for SATCo to borrow additional funds if necessary. That said, hopefully the current loan will be paid off by the end of this fiscal year.

It was moved by Fountain and seconded by Pendleton to authorize the Executive Director to execute the Palisades Tahoe Loan Agreement as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

10. Chairman’s Report

a. SV|AM MMTD (TBID) Renewal Assessment Rate, Term/Timing and Structure

Fountain reported on meetings with Civitas regarding the TBID renewal, including the pros and cons of increasing the assessment from 1% to 1.5% for lodging, lift tickets, and frequency products and adding 1.5% assessment of Olympic Valley retail, restaurants and bars. Also the 2% TOT renewal is expected to be on the June 2022 ballot and the timing of the two could impact each other. Fountain said the TBID could be renewed for up to 10 years, but feels five years is more appropriate for now.

The Board discussed strategies to ensure both initiatives are successful. There was agreement that the next step would be to meet with Supervisor Gustafson to understand what she could support and to continue working with Civitas on solutions.

i. Establish an Ad Hoc TBID Renewal Committee

It was moved by Fountain and seconded by Martin to appoint Fountain, Pendleton, Conly, and Martin to an Ad Hoc TBID Renewal Committee to work with Doyle on the TBID Renewal including but not limited to possibly increasing the assessment for lodging, lift ticket, and frequency products from 1% to 1.5%, consider assessing Olympic Valley restaurants, bars and retailers, timing, duration, Management District Plan, petition signatures, lobbying and to move quickly given guidance from Placer County regarding potential conflicts with the 2% TOT renewal. Motion carried unanimously.

The TOT Renewal committee will work with Doyle, who will consult with Civitas as needed, to develop and execute a strategy that will be brought before the SATCo Board for adoption.

11. Adjourn

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 10:16 AM.

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