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Updated: Aug 19



May 14, 2024

Palisades Tahoe Lodge, 201 Shirley Canyon Road, Olympic Valley

and via Zoom


1.  Call to Order

Chair Mike Martin called today’s meeting to order at 9:37 AM. A quorum was established

Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum

Board members present

Mike Martin

Rick Pendleton

Keith Fountain

Danielle Poret

Pat Fraser


Board members not in attendance

Peter Grant

Stephanie Holloway

David Stepner

Jacob Estrada


Others attending

Joy Doyle, Executive Director

Edward Randolph


2.  Adopt Agenda

It was moved by Martin and seconded by Fountain to adopt today’s agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

3.  Approval of February 13, 2024 Quarterly Meeting Minutes

Pendleton asked that the interest rate be changed to 4.75% and Poret noted that Edward Randolph’s name was incorrectly spelled.

It was moved by Martin and seconded by Fountain to approve the minutes of the February 13, 2024 Quarterly Meeting with requested changes. Motion carried unanimously.

4.  Public Comment

Edward Randolph, a resident of Alpine Meadows and member of Alpine Meadows Estates Association, complimented the service and the drivers. He asked about monitoring wait times. On two occasions, the app indicated a 2-5 minute wait, which was too soon for when he was ready to use the service. But when he did book, the wait time had jumped to over an hour. On three other occasions in the mornings, rather than wait for the service, he was able to get parking places so he drove. Also, Randolph noticed people using the service to do laps on Munchkins, which may have increased wait times. A brief conversation followed regarding the variables that go into calculating wait times. Doyle has spoken and the operator and for winter 2024-25 they will be adding notifications within the app when wait time fluctuates significantly either way. Fraser asked that Randolph attempt to avoid requesting rides during peak demand days of the week and times of day (weekends 8-10am and 3-6pm) as these wait times won’t fluctuate as much during non-peak times.


Doyle announced the Truckee North Tahoe Transportation Management Association (TNT TMA) annual awards ceremony and mixer at the Fairway Center on May 29 at 5:30 PM and anyone wishing to attend, please let her know.


5.  Board Member Comments

Martin reported Palisades Tahoe President and COO Dee Byrne is retiring from the position. She may continue to serve the organization through the ski school.


Martin congratulated the entire Mountaineer team for an amazing season.


Martin has received great feedback from Mountain Travel Symposium attendees and NTCA on how well the service operated during the recent conference.


6.     Chairman’s Report

a.     Changes in two Board seats

b.     Board seats up for reelection/redesignation at Annual Meeting

Martin noted the list of Board seats and terms in the meeting packet. The seats held by Mike Martin, Jacob Estrada, Peter Grant, and David Stepner expire this year. The incumbents should let Doyle know by August 13 if they are running for re-election. Martin is running for re-election and is willing to serve another term as Board Chair.


Peter Grant will be stepping off the Board and Peter Andreadakis, General Manager at OVI has agreed to fill the Olympic Valley at-large seat. Peter A. will be nominated for the seat at the August 13 Board meeting.


Lindsay Romack has been serving in the Placer County-appointed Board seat. Due to Lindsay’s new role with Placer County, Stephanie Holloway, Placer County Deputy CEO in the Tahoe office, will assume that seat, effective immediately.

7. Treasurer’s Report

  1. Approve March 2024 Financial Statements

Pendleton presented the 2024 financial statements as of March 31, 2024. Since then, the variances to the forecast have improved. He reviewed specific line items for MTC overall and by program and partner agreements.

It was moved by Pendleton and seconded by Poret to approve the March 2024 financial statements. Motion carried unanimously.

  1. Rev Expense Summary / Cash Flow & Revenue Projections

Pendleton reported the expense projections moderate when there is no early snow. However, revenues are more difficult to project. He is considering ways to break out the numbers to evaluate situations and take action more quickly if necessary.


Pendleton presented the Rev Expense Summary, explaining how numbers are revised depending on forecasted conditions to address cash flows. Currently, the budget indicates a $150,000 gain on the year in revenues over expenses. The May numbers provided a good boost.


  1. Laddered CD update

Pendleton said there is one CD and he expects to purchase another for $200,000 before June. At the last Board meeting, the Finance Committee was given latitude to invest in CDs as needed to limit cash in Plumas bank account with the goal of balance not to exceed $250,00.


  1. Third Party Financial Review update

Doyle reported McClintock Accountancy has agreed to conduct a Financial Review. The cost estimate has been included in next year’s draft budget.


8. Executive Director’s Report

a.  Unbudgeted Expenses since February 13 Board meeting

There have been no unbudgeted expenses since the last Board meeting.


b.  Delinquency Report

Doyle reviewed the Delinquency Report. There has been an 11% increase in dollars since the December report, but 23% fewer delinquent businesses. Doyle explained the breakdown. One property with many assessed business account for $7,700 of the delinquencies. Doyle has connected Placer County Revenue Services with the MTC Board member that represents that property to facilitate timely payment of delinquencies and to develop a proactive system that avoids accounting issues created by change of unit ownership.


c.  Winter 23-24

  1. Celebrate Ridership Successes

Doyle announced this winter has carried the most passengers and provided the most rides since the service started, despite low snow early in the season. She believes the increased fleet contributed to the success as well as Palisades Tahoe new parking reservation system. Now there is data that supports that Palisades Tahoe’s parking reservation system increased Mountaineer’s ridership as follows: (a) 53% of passengers that live or stayed in Olympic Valley responding to the survey said the parking reservation system caused them to use Mountaineer more than in previous seasons. (b) Downtowner recently confirmed that year over year, weekend ridership increased 40% while midweek ridership increased by 10%.


Winter 2023-24 and cumulative since inception ridership summaries were provided in the meeting packets.


Now that MTC has the vehicles year-round, Doyle is working with the operator on an off-season maintenance plan.


  1. Cost per Passenger

Doyle reported  the cost per passenger this season was $9.69. That is an increase over last year, but there are more vehicles and higher costs as the vehicles are on a year-round lease and insurance. Travis Gleason of Downtowner indicated anything under $30 is considered good.


  1. Passenger Survey Results & Executive Summary

Doyle presented the survey results included in today’s meeting packet. There was an 8% response rate; same as last year, with no big surprises. The Net Promoter Score rose to 89 from 83 last year. There were 10% improved scores on wait times and wait time accuracy. Doyle reviewed the most requested and most feasible possible service expansions including daily service in Alpine Meadows, service within Alpine Meadows until 11pm (same as Olympic Valley), 7-8 a.m. service between the valleys primarily to get kids to Ski Team on time, extended service end date. A discussion followed as the Board reviewed the report.


9. Winter 2024-25 Operating Plan & Draft FY24-25 Budget

a.  Winter 24-25 Operating Plan Discussion

Doyle noted that the FY24-25 budget included the cost of Mountaineer service for winter 2024-25 exactly the same as winter 2023-24 service levels, included in today’s meeting packet. She urged the board to adopt the budget prior to the August 13 Board meeting because Downtowner is asking for a signed contract by the end of August.


b.  FY24-25 Draft Budget

   i.       Review & Request for Input – Pendleton

Pendleton presented details of the draft budget, which has been reviewed and recommended for adoption by the Finance Committee. Based on current service levels and a conservative revenue estimate, the budget projects a deficit of $127,000. However the model used is flexible and can easily be changed based on conditions and changes to service.


Discussion followed as specific line items were clarified and possible additions to service. Doyle recommends the Operations Committee look at the Passenger Survey results and consider requested service level changes. The Committee will make a recommendation to the Board and any necessary changes to the budget be done before August. Today’s request is to adopt the budget based on the current core operating plan, which mirrors the winter 2023-24 operating schedule.


   ii.      Approve

It was moved by Fraser and seconded by Martin to approve the Winter 2024/25 Operating Plan as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

It was moved by Fraser and seconded by Poret to approve the FY 2024/25 budget as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

      c.  Authorize ED to execute 2024-25 Downtowner agreements with NTE

It was moved by Martin and seconded by Fraser to authorize the Executive Director to execute the 2024-25 Downtowner agreements, not to exceed $1.15 million. Motion carried unanimously.


10. Consider Third Party Off-Season Fleet Usage - Doyle

Doyle noted her memo in the meeting packet regarding considering third-party use of the MTC fleet during the off-season. She proposed 1) Operations Committee could consider usage and recommend a policy; 2) No use would be considered for 2024, but maybe in future years; 3) no third-party usage would be allowed; or 4) table the item for more discussion at a later date. Doyle noted that dealing with these requests on a case-by-case basis is not an efficient use of her, the Board’s, or Downtowner’s time.


A brief discussion as various scenarios were considered on who may want to use the fleet and how. The Board consensus was that it is likely not worth the effort to let third parties use the fleet during the offseason, unless all vehicles are needed. As a result, the Board requested Doyle to outreach to Downtowner and Placer County to see if they need of vehicles during that time period for TART Connect, and to Northstar.  


11. Workforce Vanpool Program - Doyle

Doyle presented a report from Sara Van Siclen, Executive Director of TNT TMA included in today’s meeting packet. Doyle will introduce Brian Hitchcock from Commute with Enterprise to small and medium sized businesses in Olympic Valley and Alpine Meadows that could participate and benefit from the program.


Doyle also explained that Walker Consultants is being hired to create a Commuter Transportation Plan, as required by the TBID and TOT funding agreements, which will identify commuter patterns and needs to help direct the future of the vanpool program and identify other programs that will address commuter needs in the Resort Triangle. Doyle will do her best to ensure winter data is included in the plan and that surveys ask questions directly related to seasonal needs.

12. Next Quarterly Board Meeting - Tuesday, August 13, 2024 at 9 a.m.

13. Adjourn

There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 11:28 AM.

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