Wednesday, September 29, 2021, 9:00 a.m.
To attend the video conference from your computer, tablet or smartphone:
Click Here to Access Zoom Video Conference Meeting ID: 925 3754 3303 | Passcode: 814240
To access the meeting by phone (audio only): Dial: 669-900-6833 | Meeting ID: 925 3754 3303 | Passcode: 814240
1. Call to Order and Establishment of Quorum
2. Changes to Agenda / Adopt Agenda
3. Approve August 11, 2021 Quarterly Meeting Minutes
4. Public Comment
5. Board and Adviser Comments
6. FY2021-22 Board Member Seats/Terms, Welcome New Members and Elections (10 min)
a. Welcome Rick Pendleton of Granite Peak Mgmt. and Lindsay Romack of Placer County
b. Elections | Keith Fountain, Bob Tetrault, Rick Pendleton, Lindsay Romack - action item
7. FY2021-22 Board Officers Elections - action item (5 min)
a. Update Plumas Bank Account Signature Card with New Officers - action item
8. Conflict of Interest Policy & Annual Board Member Statements (5 min)
9. FY2020-21 Year End Financial Projections (10 min)
10. Record Retention and Destruction Policy (5 min)
11. SATCo possible new name or use of DBA as a result of new SVAM resort name (15 min)
12. Adjourn by 10:00 a.m.
Notice to Public: You are welcome and encouraged to participate in this meeting. Public comment is taken (3 minutes maximum per person) on items listed on the agenda and will be heard at the meeting as noted on the agenda. Public comment on items not listed on the agenda will be heard at the meeting as noted on the agenda. Comments on controversial items may be limited and large groups are encouraged to select one or two speakers to represent the opinion of the group. The order of agenda items is listed for reference and may be taken in any order deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors. The agenda provides a general description and staff recommendation; however, the Board of Directors may take action other than what is recommended.