Wednesday, September 28, 2022
1. Call to Order
Chair Keith Fountain called today’s meeting to order at 8:19 AM. A quorum was established
Roll Call and Establishment of Quorum
Board members in attendance
Keith Fountain
Peter Grant
David Stepner
Rick Pendleton
Lindsay Romack
Board members not in attendance
Bob Tetrault
Mike Martin
Pat Fraser
Sebastian Gurevich
Others attending
Joy Doyle
Judy Friedman (Recording Secretary)
2. Changes to / adopt Agenda
It was moved by Stepner and seconded by Fountain to adopt today’s agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
It was moved by Fountain and seconded by Stepner to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2022 meeting as presented. Motion carried unanimously.
4. Public Comment
There were no comments on items not on today’s agenda.
5. Board Member and Adviser Comments
There were no additional comments.
6. FY2022-23 Board of Director Items
a. Seats/Terms - Welcome Pat Fraser + Recognize Kyle Crezee
Fountain reported Pat Fraser has been appointed by Palisades Tahoe to the designated Board seat previously filled by Kylee Crezee. Keith recognized and thanked Kyle for his contributions to the Board since its inaugural meeting.
b. Elect Following to Serve 2-Year Term beginning October 1, 2022
It was moved by Fountain and seconded by Pendleton to elect Mike Martin, Peter Grant, David Stepner and Sebastian Gurevich to two-year terms on the MTC Board beginning October 1, 2022. Motion carried unanimously.
c. Elect Slate of Officers
It was moved by Fountain and seconded by Grant to appoint the following Board officers: Mike Martin as Chair, Peter Grant as Vice-Chair, David Stepner as Secretary, and Rick Pendleton as Treasurer. Motion carried unanimously.
d. Possible Action to Update Plumas Bank Account Signature Card with New Officers
According to Doyle, no changes needed to the bank account signature card according to the branch manager.
7. Financial Items
a. FY2021-22 Year End Financial Report
Pendleton presented the Revenue Expense Summary for FY2021-22. He expects to end the year with a $155,000 net increase in the cash position. Approximately $881,000 were collected in assessments, which is higher than what was conservatively budgeted. Doyle said the FY2021-22 year-end financials will be presented at the November 9, 2022 meeting.
b. Approve FY2022-23 Budget
Pendleton presented the draft budget and reviewed Finance Committee changes since the August 10 Board meeting, shared in the board packet. He and Stepner described the changes in Placer County collection costs including impacts on the FY2021-22 year end and FY2022-23 budget. Discussion followed regarding potential meeting expenses if the Governor’s order regarding electronic meetings for Brown Act agencies is lifted on January 1, 2023. Fountain noted he was interested to see if the increase in marketing expenditures will increase ridership. Doyle explained the challenges in tracking marketing effectiveness, but there are some strategies that could help, such as using QR Codes. Discussion continued regarding plans for marketing, including collateral materials.
It was moved by Pendleton and seconded by Fountain to approve the FY 2022/23 budget revised to include a $4,000 increase in collection costs and $2,000 in Board meeting expenses. Motion carried unanimously.
8. Executive Director Items
Doyle recognized outgoing chair Keith Fountain for his vision and leadership, and all he has done for the organization and for mentoring her. It was his vision and tireless work that brought microtransit to Olympic Valley and Alpine Meadows and that has now spread regionally. Fountain was thanked by a round of applause.
a. 2023 Quarterly & Annual Board Meeting Date recommendations
Doyle noted the recommended Board meeting dates in the packet. The meeting format will be determined. Until further notice, meetings will be conducted by Zoom.
b. Conflict of Interest Policy & Annual Board Member Statements
Doyle reminded Board members that these documents need to be signed annually. Bob Tetrault is the only board member that needs to submit a signed statement; all others have been received.
c. Record Retention and Destruction Policy
There are no changes recommended to the current policy.
d. Environmental Stats
Doyle presented the Environmental Stats, which are included in the board packet and posted on the website. The data tells an important story about the environmental reasons people should use Mountaineer, including 54,375 reduction in Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMTs) and 33,215 fewer cars on the road since Mountaineer’s inception and 12.7 operating months.
e. Operations, Marketing & District Renewal Brief Updates
Doyle is developing a story telling the key benefits of what Mountaineer is and does, along with a tag line that includes “free and convenient.” The story and tag line will be used on the website, on the magnetic signs on the vans, collateral and in press releases.
Doyle asked the Board to look at the website. She is happy with the current iteration. Some of the banners will be changed to reflect new Palisades Tahoe photography.
The petition drive to renew the TBID has been underway since mid-September. To date, 82.9% of petitions have been received and 50+% are needed to meet the legal threshold. Doyle thanked the Renewal Committee and County for their help. She noted upcoming dates to finalize the renewal. A brief discussion followed regarding potential opposition, of which no one is aware of any. Doyle asked Board members to attend the November 8, 2022 Board of Supervisors meeting or send letters to the Board of Supervisors in support of the renewal and agreed to email specifics when the date nears.
f. At-large TNT/TMA Board of Director seat
Doyle has been asked to run for the At-Large seat on the Truckee North Tahoe Transportation Management Association (TNT/TMA). The election is next month.
9. Next Meeting - Wednesday, November 9, 2022, 8:15am via Zoom
10. Adjourn
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 9:19 AM.